the fall
There once was a soft
whispering flow of energy.
It knew no boundaries,
or beingness,
yet it was vibrant
and passionate.
It was a no-thing.
One day
it noticed an excitement building, and it hurried.
It sensed its deepest
passion approaching.
Then without a sound,
everything slowed,
a great heaviness
befell the land,
and the no-thing
was surrounded by darkness
and fullness
and liquid calculated chaos.
It felt simultaneously heavy
and massive,
then groggy
and forced to move.
It felt smothered and confused
as the walls of the tunnel
seemed to push and stretch
and yaw and force it closer
and closer to the light,
until suddenly
it fell into the hands of a stranger and knew at that moment
that it was solid
and slow
and no longer
the wisp of a no-thing
it had always been.
It looked up and angrily cried out,
but no one understood,
and they all just stood around
and smiled.
Congratulations, they said...
it's a baby.
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