How many conversations
have I had with myself
in this lifetime?
Would anyone know or even care?
Sometimes I know
it is enough that I have heard the words.
I know that I am not the voice
but the listener.
I see now that everyone
has the same access
to the same information,
but who of us chooses to listen?
I've asked so many questions
on my journey here, and often times felt
so completely ignored.
I was ignoring myself,
and now I know.
Sometimes, I fear it is too late.
Sometimes I fall into the
emotional drama
of feared illness
or possible untimely death,
and I wonder...
have I done enough?
Have I said it all?
Did I reach out to enough souls on my path
to have made a tiny difference
for having been here?
The journey has been a selfish one,
and through the eyes of my ego,
that is a hard admission to make.
But through the eyes of my soul,
I know that my life has been my healing,
and the blessed remembrance
and recognition
and reconnection
of all I had never really lost.
I must trust that those who love me
will forgive what they may see
as self indulgence
and someday will realize
that in the healing of myself,
I make the biggest contribution of all.
Today I own my journey.
I step gratefully and humbled
onto the path of the one heart.
all images and text ©1994-2006
dar freeland all rights reserved |